Saturday, December 22, 2012

God's Not Dead.

"The living, dynamic activity of love has been going on in God forever and has created everything else. God is not a static thing - not even a person - but a dynamic, pulsating activity, a life, almost a kind of drama. Almost… a kind of dance." - C.S. Lewis

I want to start out by making one thing very clear.


I think these people are Satanists, but that's a topic for a different day.

The most important thing I believe about God is this: He is Love, and Love is He. One of my favorite verses from the Bible is Romans 5:8, which says "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us," (NIV). I've previously posted my views on love, and defined the four major types of love. You can find that post here. God is the incarnation of Agape. He has that type of love for us, and desires for us to have that love for all other people (Mark 12:31).

Some people would ask, "Well what if they're gay, mass murderers, or worship other Gods?" To this I believe God would reply, "DID I STUTTER?"

I opened this post with a quote from one of my favorite authors, C.S. Lewis. In that quote from Mere Christianity you see that he compares God to a "dynamic, pulsating activity." He claims that God is not a person. You may be thinking "Who is Jesus if God is not a person?" You must remember he is talking about God the Father. God the Father beget Jesus as opposed to creating Jesus, because when you beget something it is a part of you. God the father, the dynamic and endless dance, could not die because he was not human, so he beget a human out of himself to come to earth and eventually die for him. In other words, Jesus is God incarnated into human form, sent to teach, show love, mercy and kindness to God's human creations, and then die for those human creations. Although God in human form died, that does not mean that the dynamic, pulsating activity of Love that is God died with it.

So that covers two parts of the trinity. Let's look at the third, the sometimes called "Forgotten God." The Holy Spirit. I believe when you become a Christian and truly hand over everything to God, he puts part of himself inside of you. Even when you are not a Christian, the Holy Spirit is there with you, trying to get through to you in whatever way he can. You are never forgotten by a God who has infinite attention and love to give you. When you accept the Holy Spirit into your life, you begin to become more like God. For me I have found that loving my fellow man is much easier now that I've allowed the Holy Spirit to fill me in ways that I never have before. In Matthew 16:24-25, Jesus says to his disciples, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it."

God is Love. We become like him when we shed our old selves. It's simple, but very complex. When I think of God, I do not picture a man with a white beard who can shoot lightening bolts out his fingertips. I do not picture westernized-Jesus, complete with white robe and curly golden locks framing his flawless pale face. Instead when I think of God, I see a woman buying the groceries for the family behind her in line, or the teacher from Sandy Hook Elementary school who hid her children in cabinets and then sacrificed herself to save them. I see my old friend Frankie singing and playing his 2-stringed guitar in a BART station just to bring others a bit of joy. I see the activity of that Agape love being carried out across the world.

The love that still exists in the world shows one thing to me, God's Not Dead.