Friday, May 3, 2013

Love the Creator? Then Love the Creation.

"People get angry at environmentalists because they think they’re slowing down the economy and creating restrictions and a lot of these people are Christian. A lot of these people are very devout Christians and that’s such a confusing thing to me - that if you believe that God gave you the Earth, that God created the Earth for you, why would you not have to look after it? Why would you not think that when he came back he wouldn't go, “What the **** did you do?! I GAVE THIS TO YOU!" - Louis C.K.
I'm in complete agreement with Louie on this one. There are so many people who claim to be Christians and love God, but don't care about this wonderful world that was created and given to us to live in. Just like Louie, I don't understand this. As a Christian who loves God and appreciates what he has given us, I believe we need to look after this planet. We shouldn't continue destroying this crazily amazing world that we are allowed to live in.

Nature is how I connect with God. I understand him more as I discover more of this beautiful planet that he made. I feel his presence whenever I'm out in nature and away from human creations. So the fact that people who claim to worship the same creator that I worship feel no remorse over destroying this planet disgusts me.

Look at it this way, if someone just gave you a couple of acres of beautiful land with wonderful animals and plants because they loved you that much, how would you treat that land? Would you chop down all the trees and let all the plants die? Would you drive all of the animals out of their habitats? Would you completely destroy that land? If you did all that, how do you think the person who gave it to you would react? Do you think they would be happy with what you did to their creation, their gift to you?

Just some food for thought.

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